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On My Radar: A Social Media Content Guide

Updated: Nov 3, 2023

On My Radar


As a self-diagnosed social media and blog junkie, I’m constantly finding content online that I love to share with others. Here is my compilation of some trending fitness, sport, kids, and education topics that I’ve been loving lately!


1. The Cross Fit Open

Right now is CrossFit Open season; The Open is a series of workouts spanning over five weeks in which anyone in the world can participate! The goal is “to find the fittest on earth,” and I’m not vying for that title, so for me, it’s a fun and empowering way to challenge myself to do workouts at an intensity and level that I don’t usually do! I registered this year- it cost just $20- and have been completing the workouts as they are released each week. One of my favorite parts of being in on The Open action is keeping up with the media- videos, memes, and more- that is posted in relation to each workout. Maybe it’s something that only CrossFitters completing the WODs can relate to, but I’ve loved the inspiring stories of unexpected athletes competing, and hopefully you will too!

2. SI Kids Website

As a teacher-turned-sport management student, I love when my worlds and interests collide. SI Kids is a great website offering current sport event news that is age- and content- appropriate for all ages. I’m all for magazine subscriptions, and most of the content on the website is also featured in Sports Illustrated for Kids, but I love the accessibility of the site. The articles are free, which is a bonus for non-subscribers. I especially enjoyed these articles that are written by “kid reporters,” and the magazine is actually accepting applications now for new kid reporters for the future!

3. Aerie’s Campaign for National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

This past week was National Eating Disorder Awareness Week. Aerie, the sub-brand of American Eagle Outfitters, is known for its including of models of all sizes and does not retouch photos of models featured in their ads. Aerie teamed up with the National Eating Disorder Association to lead an inspiring campaign encouraging body positivity. Aerie featured a special t-shirt reading “Strong, Beautiful You,” and all profits from the sale of that particular shirt were donated to the NEDA.

4. Eating Disorder Screenings

The university that I work at and attend featured several discussions and sessions for NEDA Week, and the counseling center was also administering free eating disorder screenings. While I don’t think that I’m affected by a disorder, I did the screening just to see and to promote the theme of the week: “It’s time to talk about it.” Eating disorders affect approximately 20 million women and 10 million men in the United States. The mission of the NEDA is to support individuals and families in recovery from these mental and physical illnesses. You can take a free screening online here.

5. Run, Selfie, Repeat

Sticking with the theme of loving your body, I’ve been an avid follower of Kelly Roberts’ Run, Selfie, Repeat blog since I started running a few years ago. With a (disclaimer: sometimes crude) sense of humor and spunky attitude, Kelly shines the light on the realties and struggles of running and loving your body. Right now, the blogger is training to qualify for the Boston Marathon, and she posts frequent updates via podcast about her “BQ or Bust” journey.


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