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NZ Parents: Interview with a NINJA Dad

Updated: Jun 5, 2024

We put a lot of pressure on moms, as a culture. Sometimes there’s a lack of credit given to dads. But as we know… Dads. Are. Awesome.

Ninja Dads aren’t necessarily a special breed, but let’s be honest, their kids are ninjas. Thus, by association, the dads are equally as special. We sat down with a Ninja Dad, we discussed NinjaZone and his ninja's experiences in class. What we learned is that the NinjaZone program is doing a lot more than promoting physical fitness for kids. It’s changing their lives.

Interviewer: Do you have a boy or girl ninja?

Ninja Dad: Girl.

Interviewer How long has she been a ninja?

Ninja Dad: 3 months.

Interviewer: What made you decide to enroll her in a NinjaZone class?

Ninja Dad: She hasn’t really found a sport for her, and really hasn’t wanted to try any except softball. We wanted to put her in something that was active and might give her a little confidence boost. 

Interviewer: Have you seen a difference in her or her confidence since she started classes?

Ninja Dad: Yes, she is slowly coming out of her shell, but it’s still a challenge.  A good coach can bring out a lot in a child, and when you have a kid who doesn’t want to play sports, it’s hard to accomplish.  This was a perfect fit because she was immediately interested in all the rolling, jumping, kicking, and flipping.  Like any sport, this allows for individual accomplishment and group interaction while having a coach rooting them on.  It’s everything we/she needed when she didn’t want to play a sport.  It’s almost a hidden sport, where it tricks kids into teaching them athleticism and confidence with the small wins during the class. They just think they are having fun, but we know they are learning.

Interviewer: How soon after starting classes did you notice a difference in her confidence?

Ninja Dad: 2nd class! Our gym has the kids ring a bell when they accomplish something new and hard, and then they perform it for the entire gym.  After the first class, she immediately brought up that she didn’t like the bell (because the last thing an introvert wants is to be on stage).  But during the 2nd class, her trio of girls accomplished a new skill together and she rang the bell.  She may not have liked it, but she did it!

Interviewer: What a proud papa! What is the best thing you have seen from a NinjaZone class?

Ninja Dad: Skills, listening, fun, confidence, everything you want out of it.  She loves it.

Interviewer: From a parent’s perspective, what role do you see the Trainers having in shaping the lives of the ninjas they coach?

Ninja Dad: A good coach in anything is an incredible mentor for kids.  The same applies here. NinjaZone helps kids learn and succeed at something, even those kids who have avoided group sports. The awesome thing about NinjaZone is that skills don’t have to look pretty, so even if it looks like a kid is faltering, to the kids and coaches, it can still be celebrated as a success.

Interviewer: Was your daughter interested in gymnastics before she started NinjaZone classes?

Ninja Dad: Not one bit. We enrolled her in a little program with her sister when she was 4 and she hated it.

Interviewer: Interesting. Something that she wasn’t interested in has really become one of her favorite activities. Do you find that your daughter is displaying “ninja characteristics” outside of class?

Ninja Dad: Somewhat. She’s always been a climber and jumper, likes to get dirty, and rolls around, so those are not new. I feel like it’s too soon to see if there are other character changes, besides her confidence soaring, which I can see in every class.

Interviewer: What is the biggest piece of advice you can give to a parent who is thinking of enrolling their child in a NinjaZone class?  

Ninja Dad: It doesn’t hurt to try it… you might be surprised.  Just show your child the YouTube videos of what ninjas do in class, and maybe it will connect with them!

Thanks Ninja Dads!


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