How children benefit when they focus their energy into achievement and improvement
Whether your child goes to year-round school or has a traditional schedule with 8 weeks off, summer is the time for kids to be kids. If they’re out of school, children are running around and it seems like they’re bouncing off the walls. There are ways to channel that energy into productivity, while still allowing kids the fun that makes summertime memorable.
Ultimately, what do we want our children to get out of their summers? Fun and exercise come to mind. What about those combined with a sense of accomplishment, confidence, and structure?
At NinjaZone, we run classes for children of all ages to learn discipline and focus their energy all while having fun! Children participate at their own pace – within a proven structure – and after a few classes, the summer turns into a showcase for marked improvement that your child will love.
Here are some benefits of the programs that will make your child’s summer worthwhile for all the right reasons:
Harnessed Energy
If you notice your child’s energy seems endless – the product of a restless summer – our structured yet physically engaging programs will make the best use of that energy.
Increased Confidence
Activity, learning, and accomplishment all lead to increases in confidence. By staying active and learning new skills, your child’s confidence will soar. By learning at his or her own pace, you will see newfound resiliency and determination that will cross over into other parts of your child’s life.
Improved Athletic Skills
Ninjas don’t have to be athletic superstars to participate. In fact, we thrive with kids of all energy and ability levels. Improved balance, coordination, cardiovascular health, and the strengthening of muscles and bones are all benefits found after spending time in our program.
By no means are Ninja Zone classes like going into the military, but your child will find a certain level of discipline while also enjoying the program. For instance, if your youngster needs to work on listening, taking turns, or sticking to new challenges, joining us may be the ticket to improvement within those areas.
Don’t let summer pass by with video games and ice cream. OK just kidding, some ice cream is good! But you can help your child have fun and be productive this summer at NinjaZone. Teach your child what more than 80,000 kids have found at our 250+ locations. You can have fun, burn energy, be healthy and learn all at the same time. Find a Ninja Zone location near you and make the most of your summer!