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Oct 9, 2017
The Problem With Pink
It all started when we tried to buy my daughter a bicycle for her fourth birthday. Oh, who am I kidding? It started when we found out we...

Aug 23, 2017
Setting a Goal for School
School will be starting soon, or it may have started for some of your kids. A great way to get your child pumped for the year is to have...

Sep 1, 2016
What I Hope for My Child
It’s back-to-school season, and as a parent, I’m faced with many challenges — what school to send my child to, what types of clothes to...

Jul 8, 2016
Starting Early in Teaching Goal Achievement Builds Perseverance in Kids
“A dream is just a dream. A goal is a dream with a deadline.” –Harvey Mackay As adults, we understand the importance of a goal. We...

Jun 28, 2016
Encouraging Talent Is Important, But Is It Enough To Motivate Kids?
Child stars. They have amazing talent, and their parents are the sole responsible party for encouraging that talent. But, what happens...

Jun 21, 2016
7 Ways Gritty, Smart, Strong Kids are Built with NinjaZone
“So, NinjaZone is just a fancy gym class, right?” NOPE! At least, not from where we sit. We have consistently witnessed kids emerging...

Jun 16, 2016
The Importance of Failure and Encouraging Persistence in Kids
Failure is the key to success. Seriously. We’ve all lived it. Small business owners have lived it. Parents have lived it. If we didn’t...

Jun 14, 2016
Coaches are the Key to Unlocking Grit in Children
As a parent, there’s always that recurring thought: “Am I doing it right?” Well, we all know the answer to that: there is no right and...

Jun 7, 2016
NinjaZone: Long-Term Benefits for Kids
The importance of “grit,” “determination,” and “work ethic” are all the rage right now in determining school success in children, a...

Jun 2, 2016
How Physical Activity Will Help Children Perform Better In School
We all want our children to perform at their personal best academically and in this world of constant screens and sedentary lifestyles,...

May 17, 2016
How to Encourage Grit in Children
Grit, meaning to have courage and resolve, be tenacious, and able to persevere through adversity is not only used to describe the...
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