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Nov 1, 2021
The NinjaZone Ninja Creed
THE NINJA CREED An important staple of the NinjaZone curriculum is the Ninja Creed. Not only will your child be challenged physically in...

Aug 20, 2021
Why Become a Ninja Coach?
Coaching children can be a very rewarding and fulfilling experience. Many are inspired by working in an environment that cultivates...

Oct 25, 2019
Why Your Child Should Be a Multi-Sport Athlete
There is an increasing trend in children’s recreational sports of single-sport specialization at a very young age. Although it seems like...

Jun 24, 2019
Ninjas + Soft Skills
Math, reading, science, and social studies — all hugely important and things we’re seeing on our childrens’, and ninjas’, homework, no...

Mar 19, 2019
CEO Named Indiana Small Business Person of the Year
The U.S. Small Business Administration has selected Indianapolis-area leader, Casey Wright, as the 2019 Small Business Person of the Year...

Dec 14, 2017
A Coaches Pep Talk
Does coaching stress you out? Do you see routines in your dreams? Maybe even grit your teeth, and tear up every now and then? Do you feel...

Aug 8, 2016
8 Ways to be a Successful Ninja!
There is so much more to our Ninjas than being strong, healthy, and having the ability to flip off the wall like a boss. Our Ninjas are...

Jul 31, 2016
Motor Skill Development Through Climbing and Gymnastics
Here at NinjaZone, one of the most important concepts that we can see in action everyday is when kids gain and USE transferable core...

Jul 8, 2016
Starting Early in Teaching Goal Achievement Builds Perseverance in Kids
“A dream is just a dream. A goal is a dream with a deadline.” –Harvey Mackay As adults, we understand the importance of a goal. We...

Jun 28, 2016
Encouraging Talent Is Important, But Is It Enough To Motivate Kids?
Child stars. They have amazing talent, and their parents are the sole responsible party for encouraging that talent. But, what happens...

Jun 21, 2016
7 Ways Gritty, Smart, Strong Kids are Built with NinjaZone
“So, NinjaZone is just a fancy gym class, right?” NOPE! At least, not from where we sit. We have consistently witnessed kids emerging...

Jun 16, 2016
The Importance of Failure and Encouraging Persistence in Kids
Failure is the key to success. Seriously. We’ve all lived it. Small business owners have lived it. Parents have lived it. If we didn’t...

Jun 14, 2016
Coaches are the Key to Unlocking Grit in Children
As a parent, there’s always that recurring thought: “Am I doing it right?” Well, we all know the answer to that: there is no right and...

Jun 7, 2016
NinjaZone: Long-Term Benefits for Kids
The importance of “grit,” “determination,” and “work ethic” are all the rage right now in determining school success in children, a...
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