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Jul 14, 2017
Ninjas on the Move
Some of our advanced Ninjas performed impressive tricks on Saturday, May 20 at our NinjaZone Academy at Grand Park. Check out their...

Jul 11, 2017
50 At Home Activities to do with Kids
Are you stuck in the house and have no idea how to keep your kid entertained? Well have no fear, the Ninjas are here with 50 activities...

Jun 26, 2017
5 Summer Safety Tips
Sun’s out fun’s out! It’s summer time and the outdoors are calling your name. Summer is the perfect time to go out and play! But before...

Jun 5, 2017
Let Them Lose
I don’t like losing. I mean, no one likes losing, but I find it a particularly hard pill to swallow. I always have. Do you know how every...

Feb 28, 2017
Ninjas Say the Darndest Things: A Look at the World Through the Eyes of Our Kids
Do you ever have a really good idea, then as it unfolds, you realize that it’s going to be better than expected? That’s basically how...

Feb 14, 2017
3 Easy Ways to Keep Your Family Heart-Healthy
February is a month for giving Valentines, celebrating Black history, and staying warm amidst the cold winter. But did you know it’s...

Feb 1, 2017
In case you missed it, 2017 is going to be a BIG YEAR for NinjaZone. We’re officially here to announce the 2017 Ninja Games and the Road...

Jan 25, 2017
Tackling Your 2017… Ninja Style!
How are you settling in with the New Year? It has barely been a month into it, but we are wondering how everyone’s New Years goals and...

Jan 17, 2017
Ninja Activities: DIY Laser Maze
Don’t lie, you’re sick of your child being glued to the television or iPad screen. Trying to pry this young generation from digital...

Jan 10, 2017
You Know You Have a High Energy Child When…
Our kids are awesome! The high energy ones? Awesome in a much more enthusiastic way! I love my high energy kids. Life would be so boring...

Nov 30, 2016
Do the Most Successful Kids Receive “Special” Kinds of Praise?
Science is suggesting that instead of praising kids for their inherent talents, we should be concentrating more on their efforts to...

Oct 11, 2016
NZ Parents: Interview with a NINJA Dad
We put a lot of pressure on moms, as a culture. Sometimes there’s a lack of credit given to dads. But as we know… Dads. Are. Awesome....

Sep 30, 2016
The Day I Quit Relying on Your Kid
Ok, time to get real. I love my kids. That’s why I have decided to stop relying on yours. Don’t get me wrong—I use the word “your”...

Sep 20, 2016
Refocusing Energy in Kids Through Sport
Huh? What does that even mean? “Refocusing energy?” So, here’s the thing. Let’s say you’re a high-spirited kid. You are taken to a...

Sep 2, 2016
How Are Kids Motivated? A Close Look at Encouraging Boys
What motivates you? Money? Happiness? Peace? Now think back to when you were a kid. For me, my parents found my currency early on:...

Aug 15, 2016
Simple Ways to Bring out the Grit in Your Child
“Do not ask your children what they want to be when they grow up. Instead, ask them what problems they would like to solve, if they...

Aug 8, 2016
8 Ways to be a Successful Ninja!
There is so much more to our Ninjas than being strong, healthy, and having the ability to flip off the wall like a boss. Our Ninjas are...

Jul 31, 2016
Motor Skill Development Through Climbing and Gymnastics
Here at NinjaZone, one of the most important concepts that we can see in action everyday is when kids gain and USE transferable core...

Jul 6, 2016
Thoughts on Self-Confidence, How to Cultivate Successful Adults, and…Dr. Seuss?
“OH! THE PLACES YOU’LL GO You’ll be on your way up! You’ll be seeing great sights! You’ll join the high fliers who soar to high...

Jun 21, 2016
7 Ways Gritty, Smart, Strong Kids are Built with NinjaZone
“So, NinjaZone is just a fancy gym class, right?” NOPE! At least, not from where we sit. We have consistently witnessed kids emerging...
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